Webinar de FIDIC sobre el tema «Aprendiendo lecciones de cómo los países y gobiernos han lidiado con la pandemia de Covid-19», con la participación del Ing. Henrique de Aragão, Presidente de la FEPAC, a realizarse el 4 junio 2020 12:00 m en Zurich.
The Covid-19 global pandemic has highlighted areas where governments have taken similar and coordinated actions to address public health issues. There is, however, an increasing economic response to the issues being caused by Covid with regards to business activity, wages, economic support etc.
We have assembled an excellent line-up of expert speakers to discuss these issues, examine the global effect of government interventions and work out what this all means for global construction and infrastructure businesses. By sharing experiences from across the world, this webinar will offer help and guidance to firms facing the challenge of dealing with the current crisis.
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Moderator: Nelson Ogunshakin, CEO, FIDIC
Invited Speakers:
- William Howard, President, FIDIC, USA
- Liu Luobing, Board Member, FIDIC, China
- Antonio Bonet, President, Club de Exportadores e Inversores (Exporters and Investors Club), Spain
- Ir. Ing. Carla Moonen, President, Royal Dutch Association of Engineering Companies, Netherlands
- Steve Hall, Senior Vice President for Advocacy and External Affairs, American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), USA
- Kabelo Motswagole, President FIDIC Africa, Botswana
- Henrique de Aragao, President FEPAC, Brasil
Inscríbase al Webinar FIDIC: «Aprendiendo lecciones de cómo los países y gobiernos han lidiado con la pandemia de Covid-19» en este enlace.
La Administración (APC Perú)